The best no monthly fee GPS tracker for your van – We have it and love it

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Okey we are all super scared of our vans being stolen and broken in to so a little bit of extra security always feels nice.  We are super please with this GPS tracker, we can track our van in real time and make sure we know exactly where it is. One feature I specially love is that we can track our van for the past 6 months. We can see where we have travelled and how calculate how many miles we have gone. For us who doesn’t keep track of that in real time it’s pretty cool to be able to see where we have been and how much we drive.

Here you can get your own Winnies GPS tracker. If you decided to use our links below we will get a small commission of your purchase at no extra cost for you. It means the world to use if you wanted to use this link. It keeps us on the road.

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Winnes TKSTAR GPS Tracker TK905 IPX6 is the name of the GPS tracker. 

Here are 5 things we love about this GPS tracker

  1.  GPS+LBS, dual Positioning Ways.
  2. Realtime Tracking on google maps via mobile phone, tablet and computer.
  3. History Route Playback, can be stored up to 6 months.
  4. Battery, It has built-in 3.7V 5000mAh Li-ion battery, can standby up to 90 days. I mean that’s some serious battery time and such a good thing if we forget to charge we know that it works for 3 months.
  5. You can get access and location with the app, sms and browser, all you need is a SIM card.

So as we said, we are really scared of break-ins but what would be even worse is getting our home stolen. I mean, its our home, what if someone came and stole your house or apartment. Not fun!

All the hours, days, weeks and months we have spent planning and building it just the way we want it, for someone to steal that away from us AND get away with it?🤨 We think not!👊

So when we found this little gadget we just knew we had to get it.

So what we did was to get a sim card from our mobile provider, we pay around 5 euro for this each month but for us we felt that it was absolutely worth it.

Also check in with your insurance company about GPS tracking, some companies takes away the standard fee when the vehicle goes missing if you have a working GPS tracker.

We are so happy that you wanted to read our blog post about this tracker. If you have any questions about is drop us a message here, on our email or on Instagram.

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We absolutely adore you for being here and supporting us.

Amazon Affiliated: We are a part of the amazon affiliated program. This means that we earn a small commission on each link if you decide to purchase with our link. For you it’s no extra charge at all but for us it means the world. So if you enjoy and appreciate our work please use the link provided to purchase.

Picture of Indie Åkerblom

Indie Åkerblom

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